Progressive Majority Series
A four-month, six session series to develop strategic thinking on building a progressive majority in the U.S. and to create a dialogue and build ties between left activists in various communities and labor movements.
Egypt and the Anti-War movement
A discussion of the anti-war movement in Egypt with Atef Shehata of the Institute for Human Rights in Cairo, and Nadine Naber, Arab scholar and activist
World Social Forum 2003 Report Back
with several members of Bay Area youth delegation and local community groups
War at Home: Recession and Repression
with Ruthie Gilmore of Critical Resistance and California Prison Moratorim Project, Jody Sokolower of Education not Incarceration Coalition, and Jenny Friedenbach of the Coalition on Homelessness and No on N Campaign.
Love and Revolution: Three activists/authors discuss lessons from the 1960s-70s
With Signe Waller, author of Love and Revolution: A political memoir/people’s history of the Greensboro Massacre, Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air: Sixties radicals turn to Lenin, Mao, and Che, and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author of Outlaw Woman, A Memoir of the War Years.
The History of Resistance: Ongoing Film Series
Film series looks at the strategies of resistance and impacts of U.S. imperialism, on both a local and global scale. Speakers contextualize the films through short discussion: The Terrorist, October, Life and Debt, Frontiers of Dreams and Fears, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised…
The Socialist Left of the 70’s and 80’s: What Worked, What Didn’t
A panel of activists involved in socialist groups of the 70’s and 80’s came together for a discussion of some of the lessons of the period. The discussion was moderated by 90’s generation activists. Panelists: Susan Atwood, Guiliana Milanese, Malik Miah, Betita Martinez, Warren Marr and moderated by Steve Williams and Michelle Foy.
Roundtable for Women in the Movement
A multi-racial, multi-generational dinner for women in the movement, discussing important issues, concerns, and problems, and also sharing lessons learned.
Venezuela Report-Back
With local members of the Venezuela Solidarity Group’s delegation to Venezuela and a showing of The Revolution Will not be Televised documentary about the attempted coup.
Korea/Philippines Solidarity Forum
With Christine Ahn and Eunice Chow of the Korea Solidarity Group, and Kawal Ulanday of Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (CHRP) and Filipinos for Affirmative Action. Examined the U.S. administrations intervention in Korea and the Philippines and the resistance of these communities. Co-sponsored by CHRP and Korea Solidarity Group.
Iraq and Beyond: What’s Next?
A panel discussion examining the U.S. role in the Arab world and the ramifications of U.S. policy on the Arab communities both globally and locally. With Hatem Bazian of the Al-Qalam Institute, Munaf Al-safi, and Robert Chlala of the National Lawyer’s Guild.
Non-Profits and the Movement
Speakers Jan Adams and Christine Ahn looked at the structure of the non-profit system and the impacts on left movement building, and alternatives, with an eye towards the future of non-profits.
Marxism 101 Class
A three-part study group led by the collective of the Center offering a beginning/intermediate study of Marxist principles, theory, and relevance to today’s movement building.
Left Strategies Study Group
A study group led by Max Elbaum focusing on strategy formation for organizers on the left, looking at historical models from the 60’s and thinking about how are work can be informed by lessons learned from the past.