The Center for Political Education is excited to bring back Marxism 101. From September 6-October 12, we will meet weekly to get grounded in the basics of Marxism and its relevance for our times. We are proud to be joined by so many sharp participants and powerful guest presenters. Below you will find multimedia resources for each session (we’ll update them as quickly as possible in the days after each session happens). We hope these materials are useful for your study and for the work that you do!
Session 1. September 6, 2017. Beginning to Study Marxism Together
Session 2. September 14, 2017. Political Economy with Angelique Gonzales of the School of Unity and Liberation
Session 3. September 21, 2017. Historical Materialism with Maria Poblet of LeftRoots
Session 4. September 28, 2017. Liberation Struggle, Pt. 1 with Calvin Cheung-Miaw of the Left Inside/Outside Project
Session 5. October 5, 2017. Liberation Struggle, Pt. 2 with Irma Salvatierra Shauf-Bajar (GABRIELA USA), Linda Evans (All of Us or None), Jill Shenker (National Domestic Workers Alliance) and Gopal Dayaneni (Movement Generation)