Programming History: 2015

During the 60th anniversary of the historic African-Asian Conference in Bandung, Indonesia, CPE worked to keep the fires of international solidarity bright and hot.


Spirit of Bandung: Series on the History and Future of Third World Internationalism
3 part series

Two Years after Chavez’s Sowing
with Carlos Martinez and Carolina Morales

Cuba and Africa: Unbroken Solidarity–27th Anniversary of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
film showing: Cuba: An African Odyssey with discussion by Walter Turner, host of Africa Today (KPFA radio) and Phil Hutchings, Black Alliance for Just Immigration

Colonialism, Imperialism, and Resistance: Third World Struggles Then and Now
5 part class facilitated by Rabab Abdulhadi, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies/Race and Resistance Studies and the Senior Scholar of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative, at the College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University and Jaime Veve, long-time activist and former member of the Young Lords Party

Compañeras: Zapatista Women’s Stories San Francisco Book Launch
with author, Hilary Klein; Tere Almaguer, PODER; and Caleb Duarte, The Zapantera Negra Project; and Erika Vivianna Céspedes

 Free West Paupa!
with Benny Wenda, West Papau independence leader, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, political exile

My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers

Defending Revolution, Defending Culture: An Evening on Cultural Politics and Education in Cuba
with Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt and Cathering Murphy, and Jack Hirshman
co-sponsored by PM Press, The Literacy Project, Ediciones Aurelia, and the Turquino Project

Okinawan Speaking Tour
27 leaders from Okinawa in opposition to the new US military base in Henoko share stories.