MARXISM 101 – introduction to Marxist theory and practice
Nearly 200 years on, why are people still fighting about Karl Marx’s thought? Why do so many social justice movements around the world draw from his work? A philosopher, economist, and activist, Karl Marx changed history. His ideas have driven some of the most momentous political struggles against capitalism, racism, and imperialism the world has ever seen. Join us to learn basics about his thought and how his theories and methodologies may be applied to contemporary struggles.
Center for Political Education invites you to participate in an eight-part introduction to Marxist theory and practice. With the help of guest teachers and speakers, beginners to Marxism will work together to learn about:
- Marx’s critique of capitalism
- core concepts including political economy, historical materialism, and anti-imperialism
- revolutionary struggles from across the planet influenced by Marxist ideas
- examples of local organizing through a Marxist lens
Our current political moment presents challenges that compel our movements to adopt a rigorous approach to understanding how capitalism works, what and who advances history, and how to chart a vision for a better world. Take up this challenge with Marxism 101.
The class sessions will be held virtually (via Zoom) on Saturdays from 10:00am-1:00pm (PDT) on the following dates:
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 15
October 22
October 29
November 5
November 12
Space in Marxism 101 will be limited. If you’re interested in participating, please take a moment to fill out an application form thoroughly by Wednesday, September 14, by 5pm (PDT), so we can get a sense of who you are and why you are interested in taking this class. The information you provide will help us tailor the sessions to the group’s needs. While everyone should feel free to apply for this class, preference will be given to beginners to Marxism, and members of people of color-led organizations.
Accessibility Information:
Live transcription, language interpretation (including ASL), and other accessibility supports will be provided upon request (please make sure to note your accessibility needs in your application).
This form is currently closed for submissions.