People Get Ready: Building Resistance in the Trump Era
Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Join the Center for Political Education and friends for a one-day conference on analysis, strategy, and the fight for our future.
OPENING REMARKS (program will start promptly at 12pm)
Linda Burnham National Domestic Workers Alliance
(Block 1) 1:15-2:45pm
Clampdown: Understanding Fascism, Imperialism, and White Supremacy
Melanie Cervantes Dignidad Rebelde
Linda Evans All of Us or None*
Phil Hutchings
Alicia Jrapko National Network on Cuba
Trying Times: Understanding the Impacts of Neoliberalism under Trump
Chela Delgado Teachers for Social Justice
Kung Feng Jobs with Justice San Francisco
Emily Lee Chinese Progressive Association
James Tracy Community Labor Studies, City College of San Francisco
(Block 2) 3:15-4:45pm
Are You Going to Go My Way?: Considering Alliances, Fronts, and other Left Formations
Liz Derias-Tyehimba West Oakland Youth Center
Tongo Eisen-Martin The Last 3%
Greg Morozumi Eastside Arts Alliance
Adrienne Skye Roberts California Coalition for Women Prisoners
Rocksteady: Exploring the Radical Potential of Community Defense
Max Elbaum author, Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao, and Che
Corrina Gould (Ohlone) Indian People Organizing for Change
Devonte Jackson Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Lara Kiswani Arab Resource and Organizing Center
Many Rivers to Cross: Navigating Opportunities and Tensions between International and Domestic Organizing
Lily Fahsi-Haskell Critical Resistance
Pierre LaBossiere Haiti Action Committee
Maari Maitrey Alliance for South Asians Taking Action
Alex Sanchez Homies Unidos
Closing Program 5-6pm
*affiliations listed for identification purposes only
This event is wheelchair accessible and free to the public. No registration is necessary. Childcare will be provided.
Graciously hosted by the American Cultures Center at UC Berkeley.
For more information or questions contact the Center for Political Education.
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