Opening Reception: Friday, June 9, 7pm
Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics
518 Valencia St., San Francisco
CPE is honored to help bring Degrees of Visibility to the Bay Area. This photography exhibit lays bear the landscapes in which over 250 prisons, jails and detention centers are situated throughout each of the 50 U.S. states and colonies. As recent challenges to the United States’ scale of imprisonment mount in the wake of the Trump regime, the exhibition offers a unique approach to art and political representation.
Join us to celebrate this important exhibit coming to the Bay. Hear updates on local campaigns and projects against imprisonment, policing, and in defense of political prisoners from organizations including:
All of Us or None
Arab Resource and Organizing Center
California Coalition for Women Prisoners
Critical Resistance Oakland
Freedom Archives
TJI Justice Project
Underground Scholars
…and more!
In describing his work, Hunt situates imprisonment “as one arm of a larger system of racial, class and gendering controls that structure the United States’ hierarchies, segregations, political and economic relations….” Degrees of Visibility provokes us to contemplate the plans and ideologies that facilitate and justify the disappearance of millions of people while simultaneously normalizing that process. At the same time, and most essentially, Hunt’s work compels us to understand that along with the disappearance of people goes the attempted disappearance of resistance—past, present, and future.
Degrees of Visibility helps put us in a strong position to find history, life, culture, resistance, and connection despite systematic attempts to disappear them. Our shared fate is tied to our abilities to think and work together across barriers including those erected through the prison industrial complex. We need to seize opportunities to connect our understandings and our fights to people living, dying, organizing, learning, and dreaming behind prison walls. These opportunities strengthen our vision and practice to fight for a better, freer, future.