April 29, 2020
Friday Night Forums are critical conversations on settler colonialism, US imperialism, and decolonization.
April 23, 2020
Friday Night Forums are critical conversations on settler colonialism, US imperialism, and decolonization.
May 9, 2018
In the Spring of 2017, over the course of six sessions, the Center for Political Education led a study on W.E.B DuBois’ monumental Black Reconstruction in America and its relevance for organizing today. This study group included presentations from guest presenters who helped participants draw lessons from the book. Check out videos* from the class below. And, check out full study guides for each session of Reading Black Reconstruction here.
October 21, 2017
The goal of the fifth session of Marxism 101 is to help participants think about the paths forward for radical political economy, historical analysis, and liberation struggle in the days and years ahead.