I had the privilege to work with CPE as a presenter in their “War and Liberation” series. The preparation for the event and the conversations that went into planning the event, the event itself, and reflections on the event meant that even as a panelist I came out having learned about new ideas and struggles. Throughout this process I was calling in– as I am based in Los Angeles– but the intimacy that was facilitated by CPE helped me gain new comrades and felt as if I was in the room at all times. I have since gone back and checked out many of the events and classes that CPE has put on recently, which are archived on youtube. The events are always planned with an overall curriculum in mind, so no event is one-off but it all builds on one another. It is that type of sustained organic social analysis of the current conjuncture that is very much needed. I only would wish that I was closer to CPE physically so I can be a regular attendee of all of the events.