Programming History: 2021

2021 was as unrelenting as 2020. The pandemic’s second and third waves surged through the new year, as more people across the globe succumbed to infection. In the US, the transition of power was nearly upended by far-right forces who—organized and abetted by the sitting president himself—lay siege to the Capitol and attempted to overturn an election and murder elected officials in broad daylight.

Union organizing continued to gather momentum as workers found common cause against the risks and exploitation they endured on the frontlines of a collapsing economy and public health system. As vaccines offered hope in abating the cycles of hospitalization and death, the global left called upon the US and other wealthy countries to end vaccine apartheid and make lifesaving immunizations and treatments free and easily accessible to all.

In 2021, CPE programs included:

Revolutionary Hillbilly

A book event co-sponsored by the Highlander Center and Books to Barricades for Hy Thurman’s new book that covers his work as co-founder of the original Rainbow Coalition, made up of the Young Lords Organization, Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party for self-Defense and the Young Patriot Organization.

A Vision for a Feminist Peace

A teach-in hosted by the Anti-War Working Group (a project of Center for Political Education) on the Feminist Peace Initiative’s “A Vision for a Feminist Peace.” Authors and signatories of the document discussed the framework and offered concrete steps for building a vibrant, feminist, and multi-racial anti-militarist movement.

Challenging the New Normal

An online conversation with movement leaders to interrogate the new normal and learn how social justice movements are adapting to the shifting terrain.

Free City: The Fight for San Francisco’s City College and Education for All

An online book launch featuring the co-authors of “Free City!”–Marcy Rein, Mickey Ellinger, and Vicki Legion–as well as student organizer EK of CCSF Collective and Beatriz Herrera from AFT 2121. Moderated by Prof. Jason Ferreira of San Francisco State University, the event discussed the drastic cuts and layoffs CCSF is facing just years after organizers pulled the school through an accreditation crisis and won free tuition.

You can watch the program here:

Dismantling Militarism in the Bay Area

An online briefing to announce the release of “Dismantling Militarism in the Bay Area,” a resource for social justice organizations seeking to integrate antiwar politics and practice more deeply into their current work.

Writing the Third World Series

An online series, featuring conversations between authors and organizers in which they discuss a recent work of scholarship on internationalist struggles for liberation. The series included:

Border Struggles and Their Worldmaking Possibilities with Harsha Walia and Mizue Aizeki.

You can watch the program here:

Washington Bullets and the Debt of Blood with Vijay Prashad and Rhonda Ramiro.

You can watch the program here:

The Young Lords with Johanna Fernandez and Nadya Tannous.

You can watch the program here:

Making Internationalism with Christina Heatherton and Rachel Herzing.

You can watch the program here:

Militant Education and the PAIGC with Sonia Vaz Borges and Elena Serrano.

Posters for the People

A ten-week online workshop and study with Dignidad Rebelde on political graphics and screen printing. Our goal was to help grassroots organizations increase their artistic capacity by teaching them about the history of political graphics on an international scale and giving them the tools to take that knowledge and create their own posters. Organizations participated in drawing, design and printing workshops, all of which were done over zoom. By the end of the project, each organization was able to design and print at least two posters reflecting the work they do.

Marxism 101

An eight-part introductory course on Marxist history, theory, economics, and political practice for grassroots organizers.